“Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from one flower to another.”
As a female-focused coworking space and community, we want the Female Entrepreneurs of Portland to thrive as much as possible. So, we want to create an environment for you to support (pollinate) one another - to learn about other female entrepreneurs you or your clients and community can support.
The future is Female and we’re all for it! Let’s make this happen!
The first pollinateHERS gathering of 2024 will be focused on getting to know one another and expanding our networks. We will also be gathering information from you on what support you could use so that we can shape our future gatherings - they may include workshops tailored to your needs, speakers, or presentations.
Tickets are $10 on Eventbrite - this covers some of the costs of the snacks and beverages we will have. Future costs may be adjusted but our hope is for it to be very accesible!