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OPEN TO ALL: pollinateHERS - Networking & Support Group for Portland's Female Entrepreneurs

Are you a female business owner?
Are you a People Pleaser?
Struggle with Boundaries
or Question your Worth?


Many women struggle with people pleasing, setting boundaries, and saying no. This can be highlighted by running a business as a woman. You may want to care for yourself but may also question when you have to choose yourself over others. This may look like saying yes too much, prioritizing care for others over your own, compromising your worth, and more. 

Our next pollinateHERS event will be on Tuesday, September 17th from 5:30-7:30. We'll be networking but also getting to know each other through some coaching. 

Our resident coach, Devin Green will be guiding us in conversation around our experiences with boundaries, compromising ourselves owning our worth and value, as well as how to make decisions and communicate in ways that best serve us and our businesses. 

We really hope you'll join us - to feel more confident in yourself, in setting boundaries and in caring for yourself, but also to learn about and support other female entreprenuers!

Tickets are available on Eventbrite for $20 ($15 for coworkHERS members)

Please also forward this along to any local Female Entrepreneurs.

September 12

MEMBERS + GUESTS: September Happy Hour

September 24

MEMBERS: September Member’s Lunch